Please be aware, the THCKK 2021 Auction and Meeting is on
hold until further notice.
Notice will be posted on this page and on the THCKK Facebook
mission of THCKK is to educate our members and the general public about
the about the history and functions of the great hardware companies,
including Simmons Hardware, Shapleigh Hardware, Belknap Hardware, Witte
Hardware, Winchester-Simmons Hardware, and others. We want to improve
the ability of our members to add to their collections by meeting on a
yearly basis and sharing both their knowledge and their collections.
is a not-for-profit organization formed in March of 1996. It serves to
distribute information and provide an interactive forum about hardware companies
such as E.C. Simmons, A.F. Shapleigh, and The Winchester Store (and the
popular collectibles bearing their logos and house brands) and other
historically interesting hardware companies.
members are interested in tools, various types of advertising, catalogs
and ephemera, promotional and other related hardware, household and
sporting goods that were sold by these hardware companies. Probably the
most familiar of these logos and company slogans are Keen Kutter " The
Recollection of Quality Remains Long After The Price is
Forgotten.", Diamond Edge , "Diamond Edge is The Quality
Pledge" and The Winchester Store "... As Good as the
Gun". Other tool and hardware company house brands such as Polly
Prim, Oak Leaf, Crusader, "Our Very Best" ( Hibbard, Spencer,
Bartlett & Company), Revonoc, Cruso; Blue Grass (Belknap Hardware) "The
Nation's Standard of Quality" & "Tools of Honor",
Pine Knot, John Primble, Thoroughbred;
Stanley Rule and Level Co, Four Square, etc. will also be included as
interest dictates. Witte- IXL Square Brand; Wyeth, Lee, BBB (Bingham's
Best Brand), Van Camp, Sargent-Very Best Made, etc. are also of
interest to many members.
THCKK has over 200 members representing 38 states. Dues are $25.00 per
year and includes 3 newsletters. " The Winchester * Keen Kutter * Diamond Edge Chronicles" is the
official publication of THCKK and features articles, historical items,
tidbits, updates on fakes and fantasy items, and questions about any
items related to this field. An annual Klub
Meet (as a part of the annual auction by Simmons Auction Service) is
held in Richmond, Missouri. Usually the 3rd or 4th weekend in March
(Depending on Easter and Indy Advertising Show). This Meet is open
general public. A minimal set-up fee for tail-gating is charged $20 per
member and $30 for non-members. Really Great TAIL-GATING & SWAP MEET, all day
Thursday, both inside the building and in the parking lot and inside
Friday before auction and Saturday in the parking lot. PUBLIC INVITED!! (the tail-gating fee is good for all 3 days).
Plan to join us for Supper & Socializing Friday night (the meal is
on your own). Sign-Up during tailgating or during auction on Friday.
welcome all persons interested in becoming members of THCKK.
is committed to establishing avenues for communication for its members
and providing as much information to collectors of Keen Kutter, Diamond Edge, Winchester, Simmons and
Shapleigh Hardware items as possible.
We have many
members with interests in smaller and lesser known hardware companies.
If you do not see the Brand you are looking for, there is probably
someone else in THCKK who shares your interest. If you would like to
write a description and/or history of your hardware company of interest
please contact The Chronicles
Editor or Webmaster.
THCKK now has
a presence of Facebook. 
